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If you thought you didn’t have the space in your home office, or the budget for a laser printer, think again. By Jim Hill 23 July 2020 The shoebox-sized HP LaserJet Pro M15w can print a thousand documents consistently and quickly on a singl The HP Laserjet 3055 is one of Hewlett Packard's multifunction printers, meaning it combines laser print technology with the ability to scan and fax documents. In order to use the printer with a computer, the printer's drivers and full soft Ratings from the top tech sites, all in one place. PROS CONS It is fast. It is very fast. Very fast to warm up and print the first page, and fast at printing lots of pages. It is fast. It is very fast. Very fast to warm up and print the fir HP has its Color LaserJet CP2025n on sale for $375, and shipping is free--plus a $50 gift card. By Kim Saccio-Kent, PCWorld Exclusive | We scour the web to bring you the hottest tech deals. Today's Best Tech Deals Picked by PCWorld's Editor The HP M148fdw offers high image quality and lots of features and speed for the money. But the control-panel operation is a little clumsy, and the wireless setup is a chore. By Eric Butterfield 07 March 2019 The HP M148fdw offers high image It's inexpensive but also a lot slower than like-priced models. By Susan Silvius and Melissa Riofrio PCWorld | Today's Best Tech Deals Picked by PCWorld's Editors Top Deals On Great Products Picked by Techconnect's Editors HP's Color LaserJ HP announced Friday that its Chai programming language would now be available as a software-development kit for its all of Hewlett-Packard Co. is brewing up some Chai for its line of LaserJet printers. HP announced Friday that its Chai
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