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SoundHound. 155,647 likes · 126 talking about this. Find music you loved and lost, or hear something completely new with SoundHound. SoundHound. 155,655 likes · 122 talking about this. Find music you loved and lost, or hear something completely new with SoundHound. The SoundHound detects the vibrations that are transmitted throug objects, such as walls and windows. It records the data and provides various methods for analysing it. Data is uploaded to the cloud for safe storage and to provide safe access from anywhere with an internet connection. 腾讯电脑管家官网网站,提供正版电脑管家软件下载,最大的安全云库,全新的杀毒引擎,深度清理电脑垃圾,为电脑重回巅峰状态,更有账号宝专版,10倍提升qq防盗号能力。 猎曲奇兵是一款音乐搜索和发现体验应用,可识别在你身边播放的音乐。是款专为安卓用户精心打造的音乐软件。该软件最大的特点就是能够识别出音乐的名字,你可以对着SoundHound歌唱或哼唱来进行搜索。这是全球唯一一款利用独特的歌唱和哼唱识别技术来提供歌曲和歌词结果的应用。 SoundHound融资7500万美元 AI领域挑战亚马逊. 音乐识别应用开发商SoundHound已融资7500万美元,欲在人工智能领域与亚马逊和谷歌展开较量,其希望这一新技术能够帮助机器更好地理解人类的声音。 Having a SoundHound account is the only way to ensure that all of your search history and tagged favorites are saved if you ever change devices. If you'd like to proceed with deleting your SoundHound account, please send us a note, and our Support Team will help you further.
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SoundHound. 155,658 likes · 121 talking about this. Find music you loved and lost, or hear something completely new with SoundHound. 据彭博,美的硅谷新兴技术中心总经理王东燕表示,美的将在数周内宣布对加州的声音识别公司SoundHound的投资细节,美的将把SoundHound的语音识别 SoundHound. SoundHound delivers innovative technologies and compelling user experiences in sound recognition, revolutionizing the way people interact with connected devices.
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SoundHound是一款iOS和Android上都很受欢迎的音乐识别软件。它可以通过识别声音来知道歌曲的名称。与Shazam不同的是,免费版的SoundHound可以进行无限次识别搜索,不过免费版会有广告,付费版则无 … SoundHound Inc. is the leading innovator in voice-enabled AI technologies. We enable humans to interact with the things around them in the same way we interact with each other: by speaking naturally. 天眼查为您提供Soundhound公司概况:soundhound 是目前顶级的智能手机音乐识别软件,soundhound 能快速,准确的识别被测音乐和网络中存储的目标音乐的差异,以迅速的找到并将音乐的名称及各项信息显示在识别界面上,用户还可以试听音乐的准确度。。查公司,查老板,查关系就上天眼查。
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26/04/2010 26/04/2010 전 세계 3억 명 이상이 다운로드한 인기 절정의 음악 앱! 방금 그게 무슨 노래였죠? SoundHound는 재생 중인 음악을 듣고 무엇인지 알려주는 무료 음악 확인 앱입니다. 음악 플레이어로 실시간 가사와 함께 노래 전체나 영상을 재생할 수 있습니다. SoundHound Inc. is an audio and speech recognition company founded in 2005. It develops voice-recognition, natural language understanding, sound-recognition and search technologies. Its featured products include Houndify, a Voice AI developer platform, Hound, a voice-enabled digital assistant, and music recognition mobile app SoundHound.