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WinHIIP is a small utility that enables you to access USB-to-IDE connected internal hard drives. The primary use for WinHIIP is for installing PS2 CD/DVD images onto a HDD to use by HDLoader or one of its derivatives such as the optimized Toxic OS created by Team Toxic for the DMS4 Pro chip. About; How-to use WinHIIP 1.7.6; A program to copy disc images directly to a PS2 hard drive (APA/PFS). IMPORTANT: some users report issues using WinHIIP with OPL, so use it at your own risk. There is also HDLGameInstaller which will install games through network or from disk. WinHIIP 1.7.6 download page. Download winhiip_v176.zip free. WinHIIP Size: 0.27Mb. Downloaded: The primary use for WinHIIP is for installing PS2 CD/DVD images onto a HDD to use by HDLoader or one of its derivatives such as the optimizedfull software details. 游侠netshow论坛 › 游侠netshow论坛 › 模拟器游戏资源分享区 › 分享自己下载的ps2游戏镜像+winhiipv1.7.6汉化版,自动 最近偶尝试往硬盘灌游戏。过程中需要用到WinHIIP 软件。可是我百度了好久都没搜到最新版的WinHIIP,最后在史莱姆工作室找到了它。感谢 史莱姆KING 的分享。 WinHI Ps2游戏 硬盘灌录必备软件WinHIIP v1.7.6 下载 ,A9VG电玩部落论坛 http: winhiip_ IMPORTANT : keep in mind that the largest size HDD that you can use on the PS2 console is 2TB -- anything larger will simply not work. Plus there is also a known issue with WINHIIP. You can only transfer up to 255 PS2 Games. After tha.. PS2灌录工具WinHIIPv1.7.6汉化版更多下载资源、学习资料请访问CSDN下载频道. 下载首页 / 存储 / Microsoft PS2灌录工具WinHIIP v1.7.6 汉化版
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http: winhiip_ IMPORTANT : keep in mind that the largest size HDD that you can use on the PS2 console is 2TB -- anything larger will simply not work. Plus there is also a known issue with WINHIIP. You can only transfer up to 255 PS2 Games. After tha.. WinHIIP is a PC application used to install PS2 CD/DVD images onto a hard disk drive for use by HDLoader or one of its many derivatives including the greatly enhanced Toxic OS produced for the DMS4 Pro chip by Team Toxic. The primary reason,U盘之家,优盘之家 WinHIIP 1.7.6 download page. Download winhiip_v176.zip free. WinHIIP Size: 0.27Mb. Downloaded: The primary use for WinHIIP is for installing PS2 CD/DVD images onto a HDD to use by HDLoader or one of its derivatives such as the optimizedfull software details.
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Windows Hdl Image Install Program V1.7.6 > DOWNLOAD 05/12/2020 这两天自己在家搞我的ps2,7w系列的。研究了连接smb和usb的两种方法。有以下需要注意的地方:首先,电脑端得共享一定要能访问,然后游戏放在dvd文件夹下,要iso的。最需要注意的就是游戏的文件名,要和iso压缩内容里的*.cnf文件的首行参数一致。usb需要注意的是一定要把游戏灌到usb移动盘上 winhiipでいってみる. それでは、ps2からhddを取外し、usb接続hddケースに格納してpcに接続する。usbデバイスとして認識されるはずだが、hddのフォーマットはps2用(ていうかhda用)なので、慌ててフォーマットしないように(^^;)。 WinHIIP is a PC application used to install PS2 CD/DVD images onto a hard disk drive for use by HDLoader or one of its many derivatives including the greatly enhanced Toxic OS produced for the DMS4 Pro chip by Team Toxic. Full Erases every sector of the drive. You can press the "repair" button to let winhiip attempt to fix any errors.
PS2灌录工具WinHIIP v1.7.6 汉化版 . PS2灌录工具WinHIIP v1.7.6 汉化版 . 大小:995KB | 2018-12-07 21:14:28 . sac69690 资源:1 粉丝:0 + 关注. 上传资源获取 PS2-HOME.com - PS2 Homebrew and Tools. Skip to content. Home. The team; Members
PS2灌录工具WinHIIP v1.7.6 汉化版. WinHIIP v1.7.6 汉化版 2018-01-19 上传 大小 :995KB. 所需: 50积分/C币 立即下载 · rar文件: ps2工具盘52合1 · ps2工具盘52